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Поставщик перфорированных двойных противней для выпечки багетов с антипригарным покрытием

2024-09-03 15:02:54
Поставщик перфорированных двойных противней для выпечки багетов с антипригарным покрытием

Homemade Bread-Baking Addict? And yo, you totally have - who wouldn't love perfect baguettes every time. There is a great and easy solution for this issue. where our non-stick double baguette are supplied, which will certainly help you make your stunning bread. This great tray ensures that you can bake two crispy and tasty baguettes at the same time. It looks pretty good right now, but who wants to end up with a dense undercooked loaf in the middle and over cooked on the outside? Our tray is as long-lasting and dependable; it will make the best baguettes for you every time. 

Get our Tray for a Golden Bread Loaf - Semi Baguette. 

These holes are called perforations and designed to let heat intended through for more even cooking of your pan. This means your bottom selects will be crisp, a glorious baked bread crust. That steam will get out through those little perforations while air circulates around the dough as is bakes. The process Ultimately results in a you breaking the jaws of baguettes with barely there crumb that are itching to get their hands on your toe jam Forget those bulky, dense log-shaped items you used the stock up on - these guys have flavor and crunch. 

Легко моется, антипригарная поверхность

We all know that cleaning up post-baking -- especially sifting and scraping away flour dust, powder-cuttings, cooking oil spills or syrup drips can be a job. This is one of the reasons we came up with a non-stick tray by Wuxi Hongbei that makes clean-up so easy. Your baguettes will not stick on the tray due to the non-stick coating. This makes them sticky enough to stay and easy to remove with no white residue left over. Cleaning it is very simple, you just have to let the tray soak in warm soapy water and then wipe. Simply spray on with no scrubbing or harsh chemicals This tray also offers a durable non-stick finish, making it the Friday gold mine of any baker who wants to save their time and is definitely worth buying. 

The Durable, Quality Construction Ensures Even Baking

To prevent tray from breaking, we construct our tray of heavy-duty high- quality materials. Thanks to the fact carbon steel is such a good conductor of heat, this Противни для запекания в духовке does a great job at spreading that heat evenly ensuring even heats and minimal bending/warping across usage. The use of heavy-duty carbon steel in building this tray means you can make full use of it for years on end without any fear that the tray might break. Finally, like your mom-your non-stick is clean and toxin-free; this Противень для выпечки using the same materialYour kitchen-safe no stick. There are trays for that. All you have to do is trust us that it will be a perfect bake like tray every time. 

A couple of punches results in Crusts Even and Crunchy. 

The crust of the baguette is key. The Baguette The crunchy dense exterior of a baguette is as important as the whole experience itself. We got the right number and size of holes on our tray - so you can bring that crunchy crust to perfection. They are both perforated, allowing steam to escape and air flow around the dough (another key component in getting that crispy crust of your half-dreams) The Противень для запекания also bakes the baguettes to perfection- both for an even crispy crust and a full length. They say that everyone loves to have a few crunches in the tray, so we tuned our tray around just leaving 4-5 of those perforations still engaged.